Wednesday, September 20, 2006


My children are driving me crazy. Crazier. #1 son had his nose out
of joint today because he did not pass the spelling pre-test, and must
take the spelling test tomorrow. Which means he missed ONE word.
According to him, he DIDN'T miss it, but the boy grading it thought
his 'r' was an 'l', and marked it wrong. To which I replied, "Then you
need to practice writing your 'r's. Maybe I can find you a Big Chief
tablet." Anybody remember those? They had a red cover with an
Indian Chief, which I suspect is now politically incorrect, so they
have been discontinued. Anyhoo, the paper had a dotted line so
that you could practice your proper penmanship, like only writing
the lower case letters up to the dotted line, or the loops of the 'b'
and the 'd'. They were mainly used in 1st grade.

Also, #1 son's lunch account was about $5.00 short of what I think
should be in it. He has told me when he got extra cheese fries twice,
and a double tray once. I have calculated it to the penny, and
wanted to know where the money went. The school couldn't give
me a printout, so I sent him to the secretary with pen and paper to
write down the days he had something extra. I hope he didn't have
to write an 'r'. He came back and it seems he WAS telling the truth
about the days he had extra. But the secretary said, "She knows
lunch is $1.50 here, right?" Because it has been $1.25
for about the last 8 years, and I didn't see a notice that it went up.
I must ask Mabel about that. They say the elementary is still $1.25.

#2 son got his progress report today. He had 100% in every class.
100%! #1, who fancies himself a genius, did not even have all 100s
when he was in 3rd grade. He couldn't stand it. "Well, school is
easier these days." Yeah. In the last 3 years, they really watered
down the elementary curriculum, huh? Crybaby. Why don't you
go practice some 'r's?

I gave my Tom Sawyer-reading kids an opinion paragraph to write
today. Who knew that they wished to live during the time of Tom
Sawyer because people could carry guns and shoot somebody if
they wanted?

Perhaps I should not turn my back to write on the board.


LanternLight said...

I've always wondered how you can put a nose out of joint. It's not as if it's a shoulder...

Big Chief Tablet? No, but we had something similar, are they still used these days?
Did nothing for my handwriting btw.

Who knew that they wished to live during the time of Tom Sawyer because people could carry guns and shoot somebody if they wanted?

An armed society is a polite society.

Queen Of Cheese said...

My boss still threatens me with a Big Chief tablet and crayon every time I screw up a computer! She even gave me one a couple of years ago for my birthday. I have no idea where she got it at, maybe she cleaned under her desk....

Drunken Spelling: nzzoo...yes I'm in zee zoo today! with a French accent!

Redneck Diva said...

I do remember Big Chief Tablets!! But when it came time for me to get to first grade we were given Son of Big Chief - no dotted lines for practicing penmanship. It was basically notebook paper with bigger lines. In Branson, if you go downtown to the 5 and 10 you can still buy Big Chiefs. Just in case anyone else needs to practice their r's.

Abby brought home her progress report last week and there was one 100% - I nearly fell out of my chair! She's smart, but doesn't really like school all that much, therefore we battle constantly and I hate that. So much ado was made about that lone 100%. If one of mine had brought home all 100%'s we'd have a parade - a hoopla parade.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You could SO be a teacher. We can tell the kids anything, and if one dares to say he doesn't think that's true, all we have to do is say, "I wondered if anybody would notice that! I was testing you!"

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry that didn't make sense. It was meant to go with the HOOPLA on the stuff on the "Lower Basementia is for Squatters" post.

Got any of ze free French cheese for moi?

Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

According to him, he DIDN'T miss it, but the boy grading it thought his 'r' was an 'l', and marked it wrong. To which I replied, "Then you need to practice writing your 'r's. Maybe I can find you a Big Chief

That almost brought a tear to my eye. At least someone is still making their kid adapt to the world instead of patting them on the back and agreeing that the world should adapt to them.

I want to be just like Hillbilly MOm when I get ol-...err..I mean grow up.

Chickadee said...

I'll bet those kids would change their minds about living in Tom Sawyer times when they realize there are NO computers, gameboys or running water!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Miss Ann,
I tell my boy all the time, "I can be old, or I can be dead." He kind of shuts up about my advanced years, then.

Yeah. A dead rat and a string to swing it with don't quite compare to a PSP. Or even a GameBoy DS.

Hillbilly Mom said...

How did I miss you?

The Diva knows where to get a Big Chief Tablet. It must be her Indian heritage. Yeah. I said Indian. SHE does. Is it like that other word, that only THEY can say? I suppose I'll find out. But she'd better remember to be polite, because Missouri is a 'Right to Carry' state, and I might be packin'.